Business Builders
Clever Marketing Ideas
Printed Box Bottoms!
In designing his own custom-printed pizza boxes, restaurateur Joe Ledwidge realized that most box bottoms are left blank, even though it costs nothing additional to print a message here too.
So to help emphasize his unique approach, Joe used the box bottom to share his mountain-themed logo, honor his father, and share the pizza-making philosophies of his mentors, John Arena and Tony Gemignani … all at no additional cost to Joe!
Joe Ledwidge, Owner Ranger Joe’s Pizza Kalispell, MT
Profitable, Laborless Gelato
In response to the labor shortage, pizzeria owner John Peragine rethought his entire menu based on each item’s profitability vs. its labor intensity. As a result, he dropped several “low profit, high labor” items.
Meanwhile, John added pre-packed pints of gelato to his takeout and delivery menus. Purchased from a local gelateria for $3 and priced at $6, John is now selling 100 to 150 pints a week, while adding zero kitchen labor! A definite win-win!
John Peragine, Owner Donatina Neapolitan Pizza Café Patchogue, NY
Hotel Labor Shortage
Now that travel has opened in many areas, pizzeria owner Dave Kuban has figured out how to boost pizza deliveries to each of five local hotels. Because labor-constrained hotel kitchens close at 8 pm nightly, he routinely has a free pizza, cut into bite-sized samples, delivered to each hotel bar around 8:30 pm. Facing closed hotel kitchens, hungry bar patrons end up placing their own delivery orders within a few minutes of sampling his great tasting pies!
Dave Kuban, Owner Dave’s Planet Pizza Norwalk, CT
When Paying More Costs Less
During the pandemic, labor shortages have plagued many operators. However, restaurateur Michael Androw says he largely avoided employee turnover by choosing to significantly boost the wage rates of his longtime employees early in the pandemic.
By paying significant premiums vs. similar employers, Michael kept his core team intact. Despite paying higher hourly wages, Michael believes that his business remains ahead financially. That is because his experienced team works really hard, knows their jobs, and show up dependably every day.
Meanwhile, Michael requires fewer total employees, spends very little time managing, hiring, or training, and can depend on their getting the work done well, every day.
Michael Androw, Owner E&D Pizza Avon, CT
Beating Job Stress
Restaurateur Janet Duran has earned a reputation in her community as a “good employer.” As their leader, her biggest challenge is keeping up with how her mostly younger employees are feeling. When they get stressed or overworked, she stops everybody in the kitchen to take a deep breath.
Sometimes, she even takes stressed employees into the walk-in for a good natured “scream” to blow off tension. By encouraging her team to share their concerns, even those from home, Janet makes work feel especially safe and rewarding. This deep camaraderie has helped Janet remain fully staffed throughout the pandemic.
Janet Duran, Owner 550 Pizzeria Laredo, TX