Sharing Success
Man Doth Not Live by Bread Alone
While Dino first wrote this in 1997, it perfectly describes how we still feel today!
During the recent holidays, Giovanna and I were once again happy to receive hundreds of Christmas cards from many loyal users of our products. After reading every one (as I always do), I was reminded of the warmth that personal connections with customers provide us, and of the Biblical saying, “Man doth not live by bread alone.” Apart from the “bread” of business success, what makes your/our efforts worthwhile is the topping of personal community that faithful customers provide!
It is this desire for connection that moves us each Christmas to send Holiday greetings and a small gift to each of our customers in appreciation for your patronage throughout the year. Our reason is not to “promote sales,” but to say Tante Grazie! to loyal customers!
Each year’s warm feedback reinforces my belief that our company is fortunate to have the nicest customers in the world! It makes us feel like part of your hard-earned success, as you are assuredly part of ours. That is why in this issue, I wanted to share just a few quotes representative of the hundreds of wonderful letters we received. (Note: A special thanks to those of you who sang praises of our products and their importance to your business. Given our self-imposed rule against promoting our own products in La Trattoria, those comments are not included here. But we, and the whole Stanislaus team, greatly appreciate “Attaboys,” so keep them coming!)
Dear Dino & Giovanna …
… With your company, there is a feeling of family and friends sharing. Such is rare in today’s world. May your family and business see a prosperous year … Once again, thank you for the thoughtful card. As a son of Italian Immigrants (Io sono Luigi), I enjoy the care and attention you pay to detail … Congratulations on the arrival of grandson Cort. All your grandchildren are beautiful; thanks for sharing them with us … Your business success must stem from your family values, which I respect, admire, and applaud! Thanks again for a refreshing style of business! … Thank you both for the wonderful Christmas ornament and for the personal card with the picture of your grandchildren. It is hard to believe that people far away that I have not met could be so kind and thoughtful. It is greatly appreciated … It is wonderful that you understand the importance of your customers and mail a little gift to each of us each year. You cannot imagine how nice it feels! …
… Every year I look forward to your Christmas card. I enjoy reading about your family and travels. But most of all, I treasure the photo of your grandchildren. Congratulations on Cort Thomas! … Being first generation Greek and my wife first generation Italian, we relate to the pride you have in your family, which, of course, spills over into the Old World pride in your products. May the New Year bring your family continued success and happiness … For the last seven years, I have received a thoughtful gift from you and your company. It is a wonderful gesture in these days of downsizing and cost reductions. Congratulations on your new grandchild. Thanks and God Bless …
… I enjoy your newsletter. You share valuable ideas, delicious recipes, and you convey much love for your business and family. Continued success and good health in the New Year! … Special thanks for keeping up with family traditions. We too believe in family traditions and appreciate them … It is really nice that you do not forget your customers, no matter what size. Your company is one of a kind! Thanks and best wishes to all your family and your friends … Thanks for the tomato ornament. It is symbolic of the “class” of your company and your products … The Christmas tomato is absolutely beautiful, and our favorite ornament on the whole tree. Although we have never met, your products and personal service make us feel we have known you all our lives …
… You have beautiful grandchildren and must be so proud. (I have the card on my wall in the pizzeria we have operated for 33 years.) I think Caitlin looks like Grandma and Tucker like Grandpa! … Your beautiful card and gift were a bright spot in our busy holiday season. Being an Independent family operation, we appreciate your business philosophy and quality products … Each year when I receive your Christmas card, I get so excited because it is such a thoughtful gesture. This year’s family picture is just so adorable! …
… Thanks for taking the time to remember us. Your gift is a warm reminder that there is more to business than most people recognize. If you are ever in upstate New York, stop in and share a meal with us …
On behalf of Giovanna, myself, and the Stanislaus team, I hope you and your family enjoy many such warm connections with your own customers, because “Man doth not live by bread alone.” Ciao!