Created by my Uncle Dino, our 74-40® Tomato Filets® were an innovation that revolutionized the tomato category.
The tomatoes are basically the reason for our success.
– Ralph Fruguglietti
Fragattis Ristorante
Best Uses for this Product
With a natural hand-crushed appearance, 74-40® Tomato Filets® are cradled in their own vine-fresh juice for exceptionally light, just-picked vine-fresh flavor.
Pre-sorted for visual perfection, 74-40® is also uniformly bright red.
Compared to Filetto di Pomodoro™, 74-40® Tomato Filets® are firmer and larger.
All of our tomatoes are planted and cultivated byselected growers, using seed stock purchased from seedgrowers using Non-GMO and Non-Bioengineered seedand farming practices. All non-tomato ingredients arefrom Non-GMO / Non-Bioengineered sources andprocessing practices

Tomato 101

Start With The Best
“You can’t make good wine with bad grapes.”
Preserve Flavor
Time & temperature are the enemies of fresh tomato flavor.
Stay Consistent
Superior quality you can count on.
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