For those preferring a smooth ready-to-use pizza sauce, our Full Red® Fully Prepared Pizza Sauce is mildly seasoned with classic “old-school” ingredients, including extra virgin olive oil, oregano, pepper, and garlic.
It is the backbone of our industry.
Without the right tomatoes for our sauce, we wouldn’t be selling the amount of food that we do.
– Michael J. Nelson
Little Pops NY Pizzeria
Best Uses for this Product
For those preferring a smooth ready-to-use pizza sauce, our Full Red® Fully Prepared Pizza Sauce is mildly seasoned with classic “old-school” ingredients, including extra virgin olive oil, oregano, pepper, and garlic.
It is 100% packed from fresh tomatoes to give this sauce an exceptionally vibrant flavor that is dependably consistent, day after day, year after year!
All of our tomatoes are planted and cultivated by selected growers, using seed stock purchased from seed growers using Non-GMO and Non-Bioengineered seed and farming practices. All non-tomato ingredients are from Non-GMO / Non-Bioengineered sources and processing practices.

Tomato 101

Start With The Best
“You can’t make good wine with bad grapes.”
Preserve Flavor
Time & temperature are the enemies of fresh tomato flavor.
Stay Consistent
Superior quality you can count on.
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